If I didn't know better I would say you were already coming up with some new decoration ideas! Just. I see that glimmer in your eye, Miss Cragg. It would be no exaggeration to say that we would not be here were it not for the Ancient Negg Tree. It kept the village fed, and in return, the villages took care of it. Back when this village was just starting out, this Negg Tree was one of the only sources of food. For a moment there I was worried we had lost a piece of living history. But I'll be watching you two! It brings a tear to my eye to see that our Negg Tree is all right. You may continue on to the rest of the jungle. I admit that you have improved Dacardia, but. So I ask you: please tend to the Ancient Negg Tree for us. Having Negg resources at our disposal will no doubt help lead Dacardia back to prosperity, just as it did in times of old. If you've met Ariel Celandine, my old student, I'm sure she's shown you all about the Power Neggs she created.

Neggs are extremely useful here in Dacardia. Do you see that tree there? That is the Ancient Negg Tree, one of the oldest trees in Dacardia.

I wonder if you would be able to fix this, too. I suppose I can't deny that this camp looks good. Now you listen here- Not finished yet? Hmph. I'd do it myself, but I got hit in that blasted storm, and now I've got this broken wing slowing me down. This Camp I've got here could use some tidying up. I don't want you interfering with Mystic Village, but. Since you're so determined to be a thorn in my paw, I suppose I have something you may be suited for.